Gaia Village Project
- Sustainable Lifestyle for Creating Our Common Future -

ガイアビレッジ イメージスケッチ by Shozo Kazami
Gaia Village Project (通称:GVPとは)


ガイアビレッジとは、こうした地球環境時代の新たなコミュニティのモデルであり、持続可能な都市づくりの新たな幕開けを告げるものである。ガイアビレッジというモデルは、近代文明に基づく都市装置を超えて、自然の潜在力に基づく環境装置としての新たな発明であり、そこに住む住民である「地球人(Gaiable Humans)」は、自然の法則に基づき、グローバルな視座とローカルな行動を統合した「グローカルなライフスタイル」を実践していく。
Toward the Realization of the Gaia Village Concept
The 21st century will shift from the "Age of Science" to the "Age of Gaia," in which we will realize a sustainable society that coexists with the global environment. The development of science in the 20th century brought about rapid economic growth centered on big cities, and at the same time, caused economic decline and environmental destruction in local cities. In the latter half of the 20th century, global environmental problems became a serious problem worldwide. A new trend of creating cities that coexist with the global environment has emerged.
The 20th century was the "Age of the city," but the 21st century will usher in the “Age of the Environment” . The turmoil of the 20th-century metropolis foreshadowed the end of urban civilization, and at the same time, showed signs of the creation of “Gaiable City” based on rich nature. F.L. Wright has realized architecture that coexists with nature. E. Howard's "Garden City" became the origin of urban planning in the world, and Paolo Soleri's Arcosanti became a challenge to create a city in the desert.
While paying tribute to the challenges of these pioneers who have revolutionized architecture, cities, and the environment, I hereby declare that we will create "Gaia Village" which is a sustainable community of self-reliance and coexistence that lies beyond these challenges.
" GAIA" is a collection of beautiful life forms that have organically linked together to form a unique region. We must recognize that we are a part of the " Mother GAIA" floating in this jet-black space, and that we are crew members of the spaceship GAIA. We are required to always have a global perspective and practice "glocal solutions" that create the optimal solutions for each region.
Gaia Village is a model of a new community in the age of the global environment, and heralds the beginning of a new era of sustainable urban development. The model of Gaia Village is a new invention as an environmental device based on the potential of nature beyond the urban device based on modern civilization. Based on laws of Nature, we will practice a "Gaiable lifestyle" that integrates a global perspective and local actions.
In the 21st century, through the creation of Gaia Village, children full of hope to live with the beautiful sky, forests, rivers and seas will learn and grow with the various life forms of nature, while passing on this beautiful nature to the future, then it will be the beginning of the era of becoming a bearer of the community.
Now is the time for us to regain the ancient memory of being one “Gaiable Humans”, and let us work together to create a Gaia Village that will pass on this beautiful Earth to future generations.
Gaia Village Advocate
Town Planner
Dr.Shozo Kazami